Workshop Offline đầu tiên của Roseon tại Việt Nam

Workshop Offline đầu tiên của Roseon tại Việt Nam

Sau một khoảng thời gian dài trì hoãn vì dịch bệnh Covid-19 diễn biến phức tạp, Roseon đã tổ chức thành công buổi Workshop Offline đầu tiên vào ngày 25 tháng 8 vừa qua ngay tại Văn phòng của Roseon tại Việt Nam.

Buổi Workshop Offline đầu tiên với chủ đề “TẠO RA MỘT NHÂN VẬT TRONG GAME NFT: DỄ HAY KHÓ?” – một chủ đề rất thú vị, hấp dẫn dành cho các bạn có hứng thú với Game NFT, đặc biệt là các bạn newbie đang muốn tìm hiểu và có dự định bước chân vào lĩnh vực Crypto, Blockchain. Với khách mời vô cùng đặc biệt đến từ đội ngũ Art của Roseon với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm, đó là anh Taka – Art Director của Roseon. Anh đã chia sẻ rất nhiều kiến thức về NFT cũng như các bước để tạo ra một nhân vật trong Game NFT. Từ những bước đầu trong việc lên ý tưởng, cách phác hoạ 3D đến những bước cuối cùng để hoàn thành một nhân vật Game. Bên cạnh đó, anh Taka cũng đã chia sẻ chi tiết về kinh nghiệm làm việc, từng bộ phận trong team Art cho những bạn quan tâm và đang muốn thử sức trong lĩnh vực mới này. Ngoài những kiến thức về Game NFT, team còn phổ biến cho các bạn tham dự buổi workshop cách mua và lưu trữ các NFT bằng NFT Maketplace ngay trên Roseon App.

Với chủ đề cực kì mới mẻ và thú vị nên đã thu hút được rất nhiều bạn trẻ đăng ký tham gia, và BTC đã chọn lọc được 10 bạn may mắn có cơ hội tham dự buổi workshop lần này. Đặc biệt, khi tham dự buổi workshop và check-in tại văn phòng của Roseon, các bạn còn nhận được những phần quà hấp dẫn, ngoài ra còn nhận được phần thưởng Airdrop token $ROSN khi tham gia phần game Kahoot vào cuối buổi Workshop để ôn tập lại các kiến thức đã học.

Roseon xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành đến tất cả các bạn đã quan tâm và dành thời gian đến tham dự buổi workshop offline đầu tiên của chúng tôi. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn vào những buổi workshop tiếp theo với những chủ đề hấp dẫn hơn nữa trong tương lai gần nhé!!!

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Về Roseon

Roseon App là một ứng dụng đầu tư tiền điện tử được cấp phép đầu tiên trên thiết bị di động. Với các tính năng chính bao gồm: LaunchPad đa chuỗi (BSC, SOL, ETH, MATIC), Staking & Farming, NFT Gallery & Marketplace, Game Center.

Roseon là toàn bộ hệ sinh thái bao gồm những phát triển của Roseon trong việc đơn giản hóa việc sử dụng tiền điện tử của người dùng. Giải pháp một cửa của chúng tôi cho tất cả các nhu cầu về tiền điện tử có thể truy cập được thông qua thiết bị di động hoặc web. Giao diện thân thiện với người dùng nhưng trực quan của chúng tôi giúp tăng sự tin tưởng của những người mới tham gia vào hệ sinh thái của Roseon

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RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

Join RoseonX and Intract on Polygon zkEVM for an exclusive event packed with rewards! Complete tasks, conquer our mini trading competition, and grab your share of 2000 MATIC, $1000 in ROSX, XPs and ROSP Airdrop points 🔥

Ask Me Anything (AMA): Sakura

Ask Me Anything (AMA): Sakura

We’re honored to have Regina – COO of Sakura to join us and give more intuitive introduction to their unique project.

Thank you, this is Regina from Sakura Planet, it is nice to be here, I have been in crypto industry and specialize in global market development since 2017. We have 25+ team members of talented designers and expert developers with rich experience in building successful project and we aim to build Sakura in the long run.
Sakura is a multiplayer online sandbox blockchain game mainly based on RPG exploration &creation.


What are the achievements of the projects since establishment?

We have already built a successful NFT project with 70,000 members contributing to the strong community. Also, we have issued first phase of NFT, around 3400 holders participated in mint within one day. On 18 August, we just held private sale round 1, with SAK of $400,000 USD all SOLD OUT in 6 minutes. Also, we have already released alpha version of game for now.
We have been making records one by one, thanks to great community.


Can you share some unique features of your gameplay?

In Sakura Planet, there are multiple gameplays to enable players to play with a lot of fun such as creation, exploration, battel, trade. Players can use imagination to build various functional buildings, or build factories, make weapons, battle, explore resources etc. Also, we have flexible design of game which would allow players to enjoy various gameplay while ensure the asset on chain to keep a balance between transparency and entertainment in game.


What are the utilities of $SAK in the Sakura ecosystem?

SAK is the token of Sakura game and ecosystem with great value and use cases. For example, players can use SAK to buy asset in Sakura. There are various resources in Sakura Planet, and exploration tickets, rare items all will cost SAK to gain. Players can also stake to earn, more utilities will be continuously added to the game.


Do you have any development plans when partnering with Roseon?

Yes, we have solid development plan, as you can see, we already have alpha test of game available, we have been developing the game for long time and we aim to build the great project in the long run.

We continuously build the game with more gameplay and we are devoted to working with global partners like Roseon to expand ecosystem influence as well.

Q1: Do you have any plans to move on to BSC? BSC is really in trend now because it has low gas fee and high transaction speed. Do you have any plans to move on to BSC?

Thank you so much for your great question, yes BSC has its benefits for sure with evident reasons, it has low gas fee, which is convenient for game players. For now we are building on Ethereum, since we already have solid community base in NFT, mainly from Ethereum community, also we have flexible design and have been working in game to avoid the gas issue in game.

Our slogan is embracing technology, make innovation, have fun. So, nothing is impossible, in the future, we could explore more possibilities like to expand the community.


Q2: How will you make the game more accessible for users when other sandbox games are hard to join in because of huge initial investment?

Yes, we already have released alpha version of game, which are available for all players and they can easily access. Also, we are at very early stage, and we provide great support to players supporting us in the beginning, we have ECO fund as well as DAO fund to support and encourage creative builders and players

We have also been developing the game with flexible design, which would also lower the threshold for players, making it easier to access.

Q3: Marketing is a central element for every project, so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieve the goals set. What is @SakuraMeta strategy to attract new users and investors to your project and keep them long term?

We have complete marketing plan and as I have been in this industry for long time and specialized in marketing, we work with a lot of partners to expand global presence.

For example, in Japan, we work with well-known TenseT and over 50+ Japanese KOLs to do promotion, and in other regions, we also have similar strategy to do local promotion.

Also, we work with partners like Roseon to promote globally, for example we are also member of ABGA, Asia blockchain gaming alliance, founded by Huobi, KuCoin, Polygon etc. continuously increase our ecosystem influence.


Q4: About your NFTs, Can you explain further about the utilities of these NFTs within your platform? Are they meant to be held as simple collectibles or will they have additional benefits?

Yes sure, for example, we will have Sakura Land NFT, it not only is the asset for people to hold, it also has other benefits and will have combined gameplay connected to it, like players can lease the land to others and make profit.

Q5: Earning in the game is important, but having fun while earning is also important. To what extent does @SakuraMeta focus on the entertaining aspects of the game? What measures are in place to help make the game suitable for everyone, including non-crypto people?

Yes, I agree with you, play to earn is one thing, and naturally, game should be fun and be attractive in its design.

We have expert team with rich experience in gaming industry for more than 10 years, we know how to make great games, also we will keep adding various gameplay to Sakura to make sure players can enjoy new things and get exciting challenges when playing.

For example, this week we just released demo video of making machinery, here is the demo video.

Players can enjoy fun in making weapons in Sakura, they can use their intelligence and creativity, it would be a lot of fun, and there is multiple gameplays keep coming up.

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How Is Web3 Transforming The Gaming Industry?

How Is Web3 Transforming The Gaming Industry?

Web 3 has been here for quite a while; it’s not a decade old but has created a lot of buzz among investors and big institutions.

The gaming industry has enormous growth potential and is expanding rapidly.

A growing number of people are becoming attracted to innovative gaming models such as play to earn (P2E), resulting in a multibillion-dollar gaming industry growing at an incredible rate.

The introduction of technology into the gaming field has drastically affected the industry over time. As web 3.0 evolves and takes over, gaming industry participants are already on the verge of a paradigm shift.

Roseon Merges with Tiny Castle to Expedite Game Development as a Boutique Web3 Game Publisher.

Why is there a need for Web3 Gaming?

In the existing gaming business structure, players invest time and energy to play games without gaining much immediate economic reward. They buy a lot of in-game things, level up their characters, and so on, but they can’t directly monetize their skills or assets in the game.

In fact, if they stop playing the game, they will be unable to do anything with the money and time they have invested in it. So, despite putting in a lot of effort and spending real money on games, users don’t get to own anything.

While esports and online streaming offer some financial gains to gamers, both are limited to a small percentage. As a result, gaming is mainly regarded as a resource drain (both time and money) in the Web 2.0 ecosystem.

Web 3.0 has the potential to dramatically alter the gaming business. In the Web 3.0 future, players will be able to make money while playing games.
In this new era of gaming, if a player spends money on purchasing an asset, they own it and can sell it to other players within or outside the game. In 2021, the gaming sector generated about $160 billion in revenue.

Here are a few reasons why Web3 Gaming can be revolutionary:

1. Possibility of Being an Early Leader

Gamers who adopt web 3.0 early have a big edge over their late competitors. Gamers who shift to Web 3.0 will dramatically impact and leave a legacy for future gamers in the new environment while choosing the new technology.


2. Centered around ownership

Due to blockchain technology, the players own their in-game assets.

As the blockchain data is available in the public domain, the game developers can not alter or exploit their users.

Blockchain technology will enable in-game product ownership, digital scarcity, and a digital marketplace. In Web 3.0, each item will have a limited supply, and asset owners will be finalized after the sale by players.


3. Interoperability

Gamers can effortlessly exchange their digital assets in the form of NFTs- non-fungible tokens that allow for interactive connection between different games and even outside applications- using Web 3.0!


4. Play To Earn (P2E)

Players do not earn money while playing games in the industry’s current condition. Instead, players have monetized their gaming abilities through broadcasting and e-sports.

Players in Web 3.0 will earn money while playing and will be able to monetize their gaming talents within the game itself.

Games will become economies, with players earning real money based on how much they play and how well they are at a game.

Players gain crypto as they progress through the stages or complete tasks, which they can exchange for other crypto-assets or fiat currency.

You can read more about P2E here.


5. World of Progressive Gaming

Web 3.0’s decentralized features will allow independent developers to challenge the absolute domination of large studios. Independent creators will no longer struggle to establish their games in the internet ecosystem, encouraging new inventions for futuristic games.

What Holds For The Future of Web3 Gaming?

The gaming industry is not only predicted to alter dramatically but it is also expected to thrive. The gaming business would likely adapt to Web 3.0 and the present economic climate.

While the gaming business will benefit, so will gamers and everyone else involved in the industry. Gaming businesses are gradually attempting to establish this Web3 gaming platform.

As the ecosystem continues to scale up for more mature game investing, there will be a period of significant progress as we nurture it to accommodate actual gaming acts.

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RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

Join RoseonX and Intract on Polygon zkEVM for an exclusive event packed with rewards! Complete tasks, conquer our mini trading competition, and grab your share of 2000 MATIC, $1000 in ROSX, XPs and ROSP Airdrop points 🔥

Mini Trading Competition with $1,800 in ROSN Rewards

Mini Trading Competition with $1,800 in ROSN Rewards

Roseon is launching a mini trading competition with $1,800 prize pool. Simply make a trade with a minimum $100 trading volume and hold an opportunity to be one of the best traders in this Mini Trading Competition!

How does it work?

  • All Users who complete Identity Verification and simply trade ROSN in the app via Swap feature with a minimum $100 trading volume during the campaign period are qualified.
  • We’ve already integrated with Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, KuCoin, MEXC to feature trading chart on the app, which helps traders to view a tremendous assortment of market information.
  • The higher volume you swap, the higher your rank and the higher chance you win.
  • Campaign duration: August 25th – 13:00 UTC, September 4th
  • We will announce the leaderboard frequently on our Telegram group. Make sure you join our Telegram Community.

Example: If Roselynn swaps $100 BUSD to ROSN and then swaps back $100 ROSN to BUSD, the total trading volume will be $200.
Roselynn will also earn 10 Rose points for swapping to ROSN, and redeem 2 spins to win more tokens from Spin2Win.

How to select winner

We will select top 5 winners who have highest trading volume after the campaign, and distribute the reward equivalent to their ranking.

  • Top 1: $1,000 in ROSN
  • Top 2: $500 in ROSN
  • Top 3: $300 in ROSN
  • Top 4: $150 in ROSN
  • Top 5: $50 in ROSN



  • Minimum trading volume is $100.
  • Total $1,800 prize pool will be applicable if there are at least 30 participants joining in the campaign. If it doesn’t meet the minimum participation, we will reduce the prize pool to $900.
  • During the trading period, depositing fund will not be counted on trading volume.
  • The final decision made by Roseon is with legal binding force to all participants who participated in the competition.
  • Rewards will be distributed within 7 working days of the result announcement.
  • Roseon reserves the right to disqualify any participants showing any signs of fraudulent behavior immediately.
  • Roseon reserves the right to cancel or amend the Campaign or Campaign Rules at its sole discretion.

About Roseon

Roseon App is a licensed, mobile-first one-stop crypto solution app. Our Key Features include: Multi-chain LaunchPad (BSC, SOL, ETH, MATIC), Staking & Farming, NFT Gallery & Marketplace, Game Center.

Roseon is the entire ecosystem covering Roseon’s developments in simplifying our users’ crypto journey. Our one-stop solution to all crypto needs is accessible via mobile or web (WonderApp), and soon, with our very own metaverse (WonderLand). Our intuitive but user-friendly UI eases the adoption of newcomers to our ecosystem.

Website | Twitter | Litepaper | Telegram Discord | Facebook

Learn more about us: Website | Twitter | Litepaper | Telegram | Discord | Facebook

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RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

Join RoseonX and Intract on Polygon zkEVM for an exclusive event packed with rewards! Complete tasks, conquer our mini trading competition, and grab your share of 2000 MATIC, $1000 in ROSX, XPs and ROSP Airdrop points 🔥

Roseon Ambassador Program: Accelerate The Growth of Roseon

Roseon Ambassador Program: Accelerate The Growth of Roseon

Hello Roseon Community and Supporters,

Roseon is announcing its Ambassador Program!

Our mission is to simplify crypto journey, make crypto become accessible and fun with our easy-to-use interface. To help accomplish this, we aim to onboard a large and diverse group of people everywhere aligned on this common goal.

If you are crypto holders, or simply crypto-curious, GameFi, NFT collector, join this program!

Roseon has always been a community-driven project and we will need your support in order to expose our brand. Come and join us in our Ambassador program if you want to contribute in bringing Roseon to new heights!


  • Promote Roseon in your country
  • Onboard New active users to Roseon
  • Refer projects to our LaunchPad, Reward Program and other services


  • Must be fully KYC’d user on Roseon App.
  • Must complete training and pass the exam
  • Must have at least 1 year experience in Crypto, GameFi, DeFi or NFT
  • Must be able to speak and write in English



  • Earn 40% of convenience fee (pay immediately) generated by new users that you introduce to Roseon, monetize your fanbase and influence.
  • Earn referral comission for LaunchPad, Reward Program, and other services.
  • Significant potential traffic driven to your website or channel given Roseon’s user base
  • Upgrade VIP Level for 15 days and enjoy the benefits of being VIP Member
  • Monthly Rose Points and early access to big news, releases or sales.
  • Certificate / Job Reference
  • Unique Roseon Ambassador NFT badge
  • Full training and potential full-time opportunities at Roseon

About Roseon

Roseon App is a licensed, mobile-first one-stop crypto solution app. Our Key Features include: Multi-chain LaunchPad (BSC, SOL, ETH, MATIC), Staking & Farming, NFT Gallery & Marketplace, Game Center.

Roseon is the entire ecosystem covering Roseon’s developments in simplifying our users’ crypto journey. Our one-stop solution to all crypto needs is accessible via mobile or web (WonderApp), and soon, with our very own metaverse (WonderLand). Our intuitive but user-friendly UI eases the adoption of newcomers to our ecosystem.

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Learn more about us: Website | Twitter | Litepaper | Telegram | Discord | Facebook

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RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

RoseonX x Intract Mini Trading Competition

Join RoseonX and Intract on Polygon zkEVM for an exclusive event packed with rewards! Complete tasks, conquer our mini trading competition, and grab your share of 2000 MATIC, $1000 in ROSX, XPs and ROSP Airdrop points 🔥