On June 21st, the very first Ambassador Committee Meeting was organized by the Roseon team, bringing together ambassadors, business team members, and moderators/support staff. The meeting aimed to develop a comprehensive vision, structure, and designated roles for ambassadors and the community.


Purpose of the Ambassador Program

To kick things off, we began with a round table self-introduction to get to know each other better since the ambassadors hailed from different countries and diverse backgrounds. Following this, the purpose of the Ambassador Program was discussed, with the aim to spread awareness for Roseon and contribute to the mission of “simplify the crypto journey and make it accessible and fun”. This program offers numerous opportunities for participants to endorse RoseonX, RoseonApp, and future app-based ecosystem expansions. Also, the program provides talent management opportunities for Roseon and offers hands-on training for newbies. To achieve this, our aim is to onboard a diverse group of people worldwide, all aligned with this goal, to empower community members to participate and help build Roseon community, to represent Roseon, to build a self-sustaining community (DAO).

Roles of Ambassadors and The State of Community

During the meeting, the ambassadors’ responsibilities were identified, which included tasks such as community management, moderation, social media promotion, content creation, event coordination, IDO reviews, and business development. Next, a brainstorming session was held to evaluate the state of the community and ideas to improve, such as bringing trending news to the community, increasing Twitter Spaces events, adding buy bots to Telegram and Discord, and promoting Roseon on platforms like Quora, Reddit, and LinkedIn. A survey was also proposed to gather feedback from the community.

Future Activities and Roadshow

Future activities were also discussed in the session, including forming an IDO committee, product suggestions and improvements, events and campaigns planning and management. The meeting also touched on the idea of a multi-city roadshow to showcase and demo RoseonX in several locations worldwide such as Bali, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Nigeria, and various European countries. Each location will require a lead planner, and the Roseon team has committed to providing support with templates, presentations, financial assistance, and marketing efforts.

Career Development

Lastly, the meeting delved into the career development opportunities Roseon can offer its ambassadors. Our CEO, Allan Ta, offered one-on-one career consulting sessions for ambassadors and highlighted possibilities of internships leading to job positions, entrepreneurship opportunities, and learning about different aspects of the crypto world and business development. All these efforts aim to aid ambassadors in advancing their professional careers while simultaneously contributing to the growth of Roseon.

In conclusion, the Ambassador Committee Meeting laid out a solid foundation and vision for the program, outlining concrete ways for ambassadors to actively contribute to the development and success of the Roseon ecosystem

About Roseon

Roseon brings crypto adoption through user experience and gamification. Roseon currently has two products: RoseonX, a gamified perp DEX and RoseonApp, an one-stop mobile crypto app. Roseon is the entire ecosystem covering Roseon’s developments in simplifying our users’ crypto journey. Our one-stop solution to all crypto needs is accessible via mobile or web. Our intuitive but user-friendly UI eases the adoption of newcomers to our ecosystem.

Learn more about us: Website | Twitter | Whitepaper | Telegram | Facebook

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